“iTalk” is focused towards effecvely inculcang INNOVATION among the society.

At Gujarat Innovaon Society, we firmly believe that the successful execuon of ISRO's first interplanetary mission, popularly known as Mangalyaan at extremely smaller cost is a true example of INNOVATION and a roadside coconut vendor removing the peel of coconut before storing it in the refrigerator is also an INNOVATION. By virtue of just a small INNOVATION, a coconut vendor is saving more than Rs.3500 / month of electricity bill and indirectly helping Naon to conserve energy.

It is INNOVATION only which will bring inclusive growth for the Naon.

There is a need for developing 'Innovaon-based Thought Process', where every individual, literate or illiterate, man or woman, businessman or salaried, self employed professional or a shop keeper – everyone thinks, talks and understands the language of INNOVATION.

GIS launched a talk show “iTalk” in March, 2018. “iTalk” is a new series of talk show to calibrate the INNOVATION among the cizens of Gujarat and Naon. “iTalk” gives immense opportunies to interact with the Legendary Innovators and to hear their experiences.

The format of the event where 1/2 speakers will talk to reinforce the inevitability of INNOVATION.

“iTalk” will be live on various social media channels and efforts are towards it's live coverage on television. Extensive public relaons, media & promoonal acvies will be carried out to convey the message to the masses.

“iTalk” mainly focuses on various vercal and sectors of Innovaon like; Air, Food, Water, Environment, Agriculture, Engineering Manufacturing technology, Technological applicaons, Defense and Science where the innovaon is a part and which has a posive impact on the industry and the society at large.

In the “iTalk” series, we are projecng parcipaon by huge number of people which will be a combinaon of college students, professionals, bureaucrats, government officials, start-up's, industrialists, self-employed professionals & businessman.

“iTalk” Series in Gujarat will normally be scheduled for 2 hours.

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